Editorial board:
- Igor Racu, Dr. habil. in psychology, professor, scientific editor, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Ion Negură, Ph.D, in psychology, associate professor, assistant editor, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Petru Jelescu, Dr. habil. in psychology, professor, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Jana Racu, Dr. habil. in psychology, professor, The Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, State University of Moldova,
- Perjan Carolina, Ph.D in psychology, associate professor Head of the Faculty of Psychology and Special psychopedagogy, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Elena Losîi, Ph.D in psychology, associate professor, Chair of the Psychology department “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University, Chișinău
- Maria Vîrlan, Ph.D in psychology, associate professor, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Sergiu Sanduleac, Ph.D in psychology, “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University
- Mihai Sleahtitchi Ph.D in psychology, Ph.D in pedagogy associate professor, ULIM
- Eugen Corneliu Hăvârneanu, Ph.D in psychology, professor, Iasi, Romania, UAIC
- Marcela Rodica Luca, Ph.D in psychology, professor, Brasov, Romania, Transilvania University of Brașov
- Francois Ruegg, Ph.D in psychology, professor, Switzerland, University of Fribourg
- Svetlana Valeavco, Ph.D in psychology, associate professor, Moscow, Russia, Moscow Urban Pedagogical University
- Tatiana Moroz, Ph.D in pedagogy, associate professor, R. Belarus, Urban Minsk Institute of Education
- Svetlana Hadjiradeva, Dr. habil. in Administrative Sciences, professor, Ukraine, South Ukranian National Pedagogical University