Once you have successfully submitted a copy of your organization’s SGAT to NCQA, you will have access to a copy of your submitted SGAT in a “read only” mode. When you next log in to the SGAT, a section titled NCQA Review and Results will appear on the SGAT Welcome page just below the Web Publications section. Under this section, you will see a copy of the submitted SGAT listed under the organization name and referencing this project number. You will also be able to determine which stage of the review process NCQA is currently on.
This button is available in the Standards, Guidelines & Assessment Tool version of the publication and navigates to the Standards, Guidelines and Assessment Tool section of the SGAT. The Standards & Guidelines provide the standards NCQA uses to evaluate organizations. The Assessment Tool feature allows an organization to evaluate themselves as NCQA will evaluate them, but at their own pace. Organizations score themselves, attach the necessary documentation and make comments.
The Add New User screen also allows you to reassign different users to the license, as needed. For example, under a 2-4-user license you might have 4 active users, but also have additional users who need access. In this situation, you may change an active user to inactive, and activate a different user.
Important Links
You must be in the Self-Assessment section of the SGAT to access this tab. The Must Pass Results screen provides a list of the “Must Pass Elements” within your SGAT and your self-assessment score for each. The Summarized & Detailed Results screen provides a quick view (via a bar graph) of your self-assessment results at the category level and a drill-down to standard and element results.
Summer Gifted and Talented Program
- If you wish to stop using the SGAT, even for a short break, click on the Log Out button located on the Top Navigation Bar.
- The navigational tabs located at the top of the folder within the Standards & Guidelines section provide quick access to the SGAT Assessment Tool categories.
- This worksheet will help you provide NCQA with required information for that particular element.
- From here, you may attach, delete or modify documents for any element.
- Before undergoing a review, an organization must submit an application for review (available at ) The review process begins when the organization submits a completed SGAT self-assessment to NCQA.
They remain on your drive or server and are not transferred or copied to NCQA until you copy and upload them. Supplemental worksheets are usually Microsoft(r) Word or Excel documents; the first page of the document contains instructions on how to use the worksheet. Different standards require different instructions for the supplemental worksheets, and several elements do not require you to attach the worksheet as part of the review process.
- To print a copy of the results score sheet click on the Print navigation button.
- The Summer Gifted and Talented Program (SGAT) is offered through the School of Education and is intended for academically gifted and talented students entering grades 2-8 in the Fall.
- This screen is available only to those users with Administrator rights.
- Documents do not attach to the SGAT during the self-assessment process.
- The Standards & Guidelines provide the standards NCQA uses to evaluate organizations.
- Once you receive confirmation of successful upload for these documents (a “Yes” in the “Upload Complete” column for that document), you can continue with another batch.
The navigational tabs located at the top of the folder within the Standards & Guidelines section provide quick access to the SGAT Assessment Tool categories. As well as providing sub-navigation within a specific section, these tabs also provide an index of the subsections. By scanning the labels of the tabs you can quickly identify the subsections of the current area and better understand the hierarchy of the information being presented. Learning to reference and use these tabs will help you to use the SGAT. Throughout this publication, selected terms from the glossary are highlighted and identified with the (book) symbol. These glossary definitions may be viewed at any time by clicking on a highlighted term.
Standards are organized in categories under the Standards and Guidelines (or Standards, Guidelines & Assessment Tool) button located on the Blue Navigation Bar. This button is available in the Standards, Guidelines & Assessment Tool version of the publication. This button is available in the Standards & Guidelines version of the publication. If you have Administrative User rights, the Administrative Functions link is available on this screen.
You will also need to provide supporting documentation for each element scored in order to complete the element. You will have the opportunity to provide information to support your assessment as well. Because you may have many documents to send, and Internet connection speed varies, you may choose to upload documents in batches, even before you are ready for your final submission. Make sure that the document is final and that it will be submitted to NCQA. Verify the file paths for a batch of documents (two to four is best) and click on the “Upload Document” button. Once you receive confirmation of successful upload for these documents (a “Yes” in the “Upload Complete” column for that document), you can continue with another batch.
Summer Gifted and Talented Program
However, if you verified documents but did not send them, you must re-verify and upload them before submission. When all documents have been successfully uploaded and the SGAT is complete and ready to submit, click on the “Submit Final SGAT” button on the Document Verification and Upload page. You will be prompted to confirm that you are ready to submit your final SGAT.
The number of publications listed on this screen may vary depending on the privileges assigned to you and the number of publications purchased by your organization. The Organization Comments on Preliminary Results text area is only accessible to the organization during the comment period following the initial NCQA review. NCQA will notify the organization by electronic mail regarding the start and end dates for the comment period. The organization has 14 days to provide information in the Comments area regarding any factual errors or omissions in NCQA’s preliminary results. The organization may not introduce information that was not available at the time of the off-site or on-site reviews.
Each element within a standard is listed on the Standard and Elements screen. You must scroll down the screen length in order to view each element. It navigates to the Standards & Guidelines section of the SGAT, which provides the standards NCQA uses to evaluate organizations. Standards and Guidelines are organized into categories of functions an organization performs. To enter a section, click on the navigation button listed in the Blue Navigation Bar. Go into the SGAT SetUp tab to verify that the program(s) and Accreditation or Certification Option you want to submit to NCQA has been checked under the “Select to Submit for NCQA Review” column.
For confidentiality, documents remain fully in your organization’s control until you submit the SGAT to NCQA and begin the NCQA review process. In addition, during self-assessment, you may update or revise documents, which could change the file path of the documents. Verification and upload at submission ensures that the correct versions of your documents are sent to NCQA. You may also add documents to the document library without attaching them to a specific element.
For those elements that do require you to complete the worksheet, attach it to the element via the Document Library. Refer to the instructions in the worksheet to determine if you need to attach the worksheet for that element. NCQA surveyors will use the supplemental worksheet(s) to perform the file review, as applicable, during the on-site component of the review. If you click on the Log Out link, you are transferred to the Log Out screen. If any of these element scores fall below the minimum score identified for the evaluation product selected, the compliance score is highlighted in yellow. The Self-Assessment Results section provides summary and detailed results.
The Administration area of the Welcome screen contains the Administrative Functions link, which allows an Administrator to access the Administrative functions outlined below. Not all users have Administrator rights, but rights must be assigned to at least one user in an organization . If this link is not listed on your Welcome screen, you do not have Administrator rights. To view your score for the selected element based on your data, click on the Blue Element Score Button. This will launch a sgatonline pop-up window providing the self-assessment, element score.