Мардарова И.К. | The training of future nursery school teachers to creating educational publications for preschool children | |
Баранова В.В. | Interaction of imagery-creative activity and speech activity in preschoolers |
Кудрявцева Е.А. | Modular tests as an effective method of pedagogical control of the quality of knowledge of future educators of pre-school educational institutions |
Boiangiu Carmen | Development of occupational interests in experimental conditions in adolescent age |
Popescu Maria
Grebeniuc Ecaterina |
Efficient modern teaching methods for optimization the teaching-learning activity (RETRAS) |
Loredana Mihăileasa | Validation of a motivational model of dropout on romanian students |
Racu Igor
Cașcaval Ion |
Coping mechanisms in students with anxiety | |
Красковская Валерия
Раку Жанна |
Interrelation between personal characteristics and stress at the military personnel in the conditions of military service |
Листопад А. А. | Problems of goal-setting at student`s occupational training | |
Раку Жанна | The psychological aspects of the interrelation between anxiety and imagination at school children |
Ковалева Е. А. | The role of self-consciousness and of the skills of the pedagogue in the creation of non-violent atmosphere at school |
Mihai Şleahtiţchi | From polymorphism to the non-existence of orthodoxy.
A perspective on criteria for identifying the object of social epresentation |
Autorii noștri |
Din numărul 2(47) se retrage articolul Dnei Popescu Maria și Grebeniuc Ecaterina „Efficient modern teaching methods for optimization the teaching-learning activity” din motivul constatării necorespunderii acestuia cu cerințele înaintate de Colegiul de redacție.