Journal Nr.47 (2) 2017

Мардарова И.К. The training of future nursery school teachers to creating educational publications for preschool children
Баранова В.В. Interaction of imagery-creative activity and speech activity in preschoolers  


Кудрявцева Е.А. Modular tests as an effective method of pedagogical control of the quality of knowledge of future educators of pre-school educational institutions  



Boiangiu Carmen Development of occupational interests in experimental conditions in adolescent age  


Popescu Maria

Grebeniuc Ecaterina

Efficient modern teaching methods for optimization the teaching-learning activity (RETRAS)  


Loredana Mihăileasa Validation of a motivational model of dropout on romanian students  


Racu Igor

Cașcaval Ion

Coping mechanisms in students with anxiety
Красковская Валерия

Раку Жанна

Interrelation between personal characteristics and stress at the military personnel in the conditions of military service  


Листопад А. А. Problems of goal-setting at student`s occupational training
Раку Жанна The psychological aspects of the interrelation between anxiety and imagination at school children  


Ковалева Е. А. The role of self-consciousness and of the skills of the pedagogue in the creation of non-violent atmosphere at school  


Mihai Şleahtiţchi From polymorphism to the non-existence of orthodoxy.

A perspective on criteria for identifying the object of social epresentation

Autorii noștri

Din numărul 2(47) se retrage articolul Dnei Popescu Maria și Grebeniuc Ecaterina Efficient modern teaching methods for optimization the teaching-learning activity” din motivul constatării necorespunderii acestuia cu cerințele înaintate de Colegiul de redacție.