Dumitru (Tăbăcaru) Cristina Importance of communcation in educational process
Скворцова С. А. Teacher’s methodical activity as a source of educational and methodical tasks
Мардарова И.К. The student`s training to creating computer games for preschool-age children
Racu Iulia, Niculiță Dorina The study of emotional intelligence at preadolescents from different environment
Нестеренко В. В. New information technologies as a means of quality improvement of part-time students’ training
Листопад А.А. Adaptation of future kindergarteners at the learning environments in higher educational establishment
Racu Igor, Ovanesov Cristina Ways to reduce school violence in preadolescents
Бедрань Р. В. The essence of the phenomenon «health» in scientific research
Losîi Elena The analysis of the types of aggressiveness at preadolescents from urban and rural environment
Jelescu Petru, Ciobanu Elvira Survey assessment of the electoral interests of teenagers (SAEIT) and their validation
Chiperi Nadejda Difficulties and barriers to transition to inclusive education
Urusova Olena Psycho-pedagogical peculiarities of mediator`s training: comparative analysis
Iurchevici Iulia Leadership, cohesion and groupthink Din numărul 3 (44) se retrage articolul Dnei Iurchevici Iulia „Leadership, coeziune și gândire de grup” din motivul constatării necorespunderii acestuia cu cerințele înaintate de Colegiul de redacție.