Journal Nr.43 (2) year 2016


Колесник А.Г. Ways of improving the pedagogical activity of higher school teachers

Княжева И. А. Features personally oriented training of future teachers of preschool educational Institutions

Просенюк А.И. Renovation of future tutors education maintenance in the higher institutions of Learning

Ciobanu Adriana, Rusu Nina Development sphere emotional volitional in children with hearing

Бурага Наталья Personal resources of representatives of socionomics professions

Величко Т. Д. The family as a factor of formation of valuable orientations for senior preschool children

Popescu Maria The structure of social representation

Княжев И. А. The problem of mathematical preparation of future teachers in modern scientific research

Plămădeală Victoria The intensity of living loneliness in young adults

Pavlenco Mihaela The typological approach of geometrical representation at preschool and early school age

Ciobanu Adriana Evaluation and diagnosis of attention deficit disorder hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Донога Людмила Connectivity features of social attitudes to social and psychological adaptation of senior pupils and parents

Olărescu Valentina, Dumitriu Gabriela Psychosocial impact of divorce typical family vs. family of children with disabilities

Vîrlan Maria, Dița Marcela Foster Care – alternative form of protection for children in need

Racu Igor, Ciuntu Rita Personality development preteen age in different social situations of development

Șleahtițchi Mihai Sketches for an eventual treaty behavioral abnormality: bureaucracy


Download HERE: Journal Psychology Special Pedagogy Social Work, Nr-43, year 2016